Saturday, January 24, 2009

Search Engine Marketing

All bloggers know that a well-written, entertaining
and focused blog can generate huge volumes of traffic
from visitors. This is one of the basic learnings in
blogging: blogs should be focused and centered on a
topic and other related issues.

Search engine marketing is simply the process of
getting your blog and its content sufficiently high
ranking in several search engines for your keywords.
This would enable your content to generate more
visitors to your site from SERPs or Search Engine
Results Pages. Attention-grabbing content titles and
sites help users to feel compelled to click on your
link in the search engine results pages and eventually
visit you.

Additionally, search engine marketing needs a Web site
that is optimized for search engines. Normally, this
is a Web site that can display a configuration setting
that makes it look interesting to search engine
spiders. In turn, the spiders will visit the site and
look at your content. After doing this, the spiders
then pick up significant keywords, which determine the
characteristic of your page. Lastly, the content
returns to the search engines for the purpose of being

Enhancing Search Engine Marketing

Nowadays, blogs are making tons of small news Web
sites or mini content centers that contain significant
information and links. Compared in the past, search
engines visit major news Web sites since they were the
ones who were the ultimate sources for the newest
content to be found online. Blogs have outpaced
several media outlets online due to their capability
to deliver and publish fresh information to the public

The key in getting noticed more by the search engines
is to publish faster. Since search engines looks for
the freshest, high value and relevant information, it
is important for you to publish frequently. This would
get your blog more visits from major search engines
and others.

Blogs have a natural relationship with search engines.
Since blogs are natural search engine magnets, the
search engine spiders will visit your blog often if
they detect an update from it. In addition, the
content of your blog does not have to wait for months
before getting into search engine result pages but
instead, your content will be displayed in a matter of
hours or days.

It is important to know how much the search engine can
do for your blog. Blogs should be frequently updated
to allow the search engine spider to visit you often,
since they are normally programmed to visit your blog
as often as you publish fresh contents.

Reasons Why Blogs Rank Well in Search Results

Firsly, blogs are designed to meet the demands for
search traffic and search engines. Blogs are also
highy significant in their niches and are considered
as the best sources of the most up-to-date information
online. More so, blogs can be keyword optimized.
Keyword optimization helps blogs achieve high rankings
in search engine results. Additionally, wisely
distributing the keywords evenly on the content can
also help your blog rank easily on search engine

Compared to Web sites, blogs are also text-rich
publishing tools. This only means that the code used
by blogs is light weight. This makes your blog’s
content highly visible to search engines. Search
engine spiders can visit your blog frequently and
crawl over your content faster because of greater
clarity. This clarity provides a vivid interpretation
of what the content of your blog is all about.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

7 Tips Dalam Promosi Ala Gue (New)

Ok sobat blogger semuanya, kali ini aku mau membahas masalah promosi dulu nich, gapapa kan? Dalam bisnis online, promosi itu mau tidak mau wajib hukumnya. Iya nggak? Kalau ditanya bisa nggak sukses tanpa promosi??? Saya yakin semua orang termasuk yang udah expert sekalipun di bidang bisnis online akan mengatakan tidak. Bagaimana dengan sobat semua?

Dari hasil saya belajar maksudnya selama ini siang dan malam tentang bisnis online, ada 7 cara ampuh buat anda semua untuk promosi bisnis online. Apa itu?

A. Beriklan Gratis
Apabila anda mau beriklan di internet untuk promosi produk anda, anda bisa menggunakan situs-situs iklan gratis misal Selain itu, anda bisa memanfaatkan software pengirim iklan gratis yang bisa mengirimkan iklan anda ke puluhan website sekaligus dalam satu waktu. Atau sekarang juga banyak iklan gratis yang menyediakan submit ke puluhan iklan gratis lainnya misalkan SpyOnAd

B. Email Marketing
Apakah anda merasa agak sulit untuk bersaing memasarkan produk anda di dunia online? Jangan putus asa! Masih ada cara lain yang tidak kalah ampuhnya, yaitu dengan jalan email marketing. Bagaimana caranya? Gampang saja. Mulailah dari teman-teman anda. Anda punya teman, teman anda punya teman lain, dan seterusnya. Promosikan ke teman anda untuk menjadi agen anda misal dengan revenue sharing 50:50, maka insya allah teman anda tidak akan menolak kok. Dengan sistem demikian, produk anda seiring berjalannya waktu pangsa pasarnya akan semakin luas.

C. Iklan Berbayar
Iklan ini anda harus membayar iklan yang anda pasang untuk setiap klik yang terjadi. Biasanya harganya sekitar 300-1000 per klik. Memang sih cukup mahal untuk ukuran 1 kali klik saja tapi tentu ada keuntungannya. Iklan anda bisa muncul di situs yang ingin anda pasangi iklan. Untuk penyedia layanan ini ada ,, adsensecamp,atau bisa juga Adspeedy untuk iklan berbayar Indonesia sementara untuk iklan berbayar luar negeri bisa menggunakan jasa AdBrite , ataupun Adsense

D. Forum Marketing
Maksudnya, anda bisa mengikuti suatu forum yang berhubungan dengan apa yang sedang anda promosikan. Mungkin saja forum antar teman anda. Nah, disinilah anda nanti menempatkan diri anda sebagai seorang ahli tentang jenis produk yang anda tawarkan dan kemudian barulah anda menawarkan produk anda ini ke seluruh anggota forum. Menurut yang saya baca di internet, promosi melalui forum ini sangatlah ampuh. Kebanyakan anggota forum akan tertarik dengan penawaran yang diberikan oleh orang-orang yang sehobi atau seperguruan dengan mereka.

E. Viral Marketing
Pada intinya, viral marketing adalah suatu metode promosi melalui teman-teman sejawat yang nantinya akan bisa membuat produk / bisnis anda dibicarakan oleh banyak orang dimanapun. Tipe promosi seperti ini layaknya virus yang dengan sedikit usaha promosi saja, produk anda akan cepat dibicarakan banyak orang. Bagaimana caranya? Pertama yang jelas anda harus mempunyai pembawa pesan promosi untuk produk anda yang andal. Kedua, anda tetapkan metode apa yang ingin anda gunakan, misal metode email, link, banner, atau mulut ke mulut. Yang jelas, metode apapun harus mudah penyampaiannya oleh pembawa pesan sehingga mudah diterima calon konsumen anda. Usahakan anda memiliki batasan ruang promosi yang jelas misalkan di suatu forum tertentu. Dengan demikian, sangat besar kemungkinan promosi anda akan menyebar dengan sangat luas dan cepat.

F. Pertukaran Banner / Link
Metode ini juga bisa dibilang ampuh. Perbanyaklah link-link dari web lain yang mengarah ke website / blog produk anda. Dengan demikian semakin besar pula kesempatan orang lain mengetahui produk anda. Pasang banner anda di situs lain dan minta situs tersebut memasang link balik ke situs anda. Insya Allah ini adalah cara yang cukup manjur.

G. Menggunakan Traffic Generator
Maksudnya apa ya? Coba anda lihat blog saya ini, blog ini jujur baru saya buat tanggal 7 Desember 2008 dan sejak saat itu saya menggunakan layanan traffic generator gratisan yang ada. Hasilnya? Dalam 1 bulan langsung naik ke pagerank 3. Lho yang bener? kalau menurut saya pribadi dengan ikut program traffic generator, selain meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung juga memperbesar peluang bisnis kita dikenal entah itu adsense, afiliasi, dan sebagainya. Tertarik ingin mencoba??? Contoh layanan yang saya pakai adalah, yang lain juga ada misal Entrecard.

Ok sobat, saya rasa cukup itu dulu ntar disambung lagi. Jangan lupa kasih komen ya barangkali sobat ada cara-cara lain. Makasih...

Powered By : DapurBisnis

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Apa Saja Sih Yang Bisa Menghasilkan Uang Dari Dunia Online?

Sesuai apa yang saya tulis di pengumuman sebelum ini, mulai sekarang saya akan menggunakan posting tidak hanya bahasa inggris tapi juga postingan berbahasa Indonesia. Kenapa? Jujur saja, kalau pake bahasa Inggris terus capek juga mikirnya....he..he.. Baiklah, sebagai postingan pertama saya dalam bentuk Bahasa Indonesia, saya mau menyebutkan apa saja sih bisnis di dunia online yang bisa menghasilkan uang?(Ini hanya daftar jenis bisnis online saja lho ya? kalau penjelasan masing2 nanti saya bahas sendiri!) :

A. Menjual Ebook Informasi
B. Membuat Website Usaha
1. Website Usaha Sendiri
2. Website Iklan
3. Website Berita
4. Website Komunitas
C. Menjual Barang di Internet
D. Jasa Pembuatan Blog / Website
E. Jasa Persewaan Blog
F. Jual Beli Domain Website
G. Domain Parking
H. Paid To Click (PTC)
I. Paid Per Click (PPC)
J. Pay Per Post / Review (PPR)
K. Paid To Read (PTR)
L. Pay Per Play (PPP)
M. Pay Per Impression (PPI)
N. Pay Per Lead (PPL)
O. Typing Job
P. Forex Trading
Q. Bisnis Reseller / Affiliasi
R. Bisnis Survey
S. Social Networking
T. Upload & Earn Money
U. Bisnis MLM
V. Investasi Online
W. Membership Bussiness
Y. Autosurf
Z. Bisnis Franchise
AA. Paid To Backlink
BB. Pay Per Install
CC. Paid To Sell Link

Wow banyak ya? kalau yang pemula pasti ga nyangka kan? ini semua saya bahas di lho? tapi ntar juga saya share disini tapi tentunya ga selengkap di Dapur Bisnis Gapapa ya? Ok tunggu postingan saya selanjutnya !!! Jangan lupa kasih komen ya?
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Paid To Click (Part 2)

Ok, ketemu lagi di lanjutan pembahasan PTC. Seperti yang saya bahas di PTC (part 1), saya akan melanjutkan bagaimana langkah-langkah ikut PTC. Ok, apakah anda tertarik? Mari saya jelaskan bagaimana langkah-langkah yang harus anda tempuh:

1.Anda harus membuat dahulu sebuah rekening online entah itu menggunakan Alertpay ataupu Paypal. Penjelasannya ada di bagian membuat rekening online di ebook ini. Sebaiknya anda membuat di keduanya karena ada beberapa situs yang menerima Alertpay saja ataupun Paypal saja.
2.Setelah anda membuat rekening, anda sudah bisa mulai mendaftar / register di situs-situs PTC yang ada, Silakan lihat di katalog website yang ada di paket ebook
3.Untuk mulai mengumpulkan uang anda, anda bisa langsung memulai mengeklik iklan-iklan yang ada di situs tersebut. Biasanya daftar iklan ini ada di daftar menu misal Surf Ads, View Ads, Show Ads, dsb. Tapi ingat : ANDA HARUS LOGIN DAHULU SEBELUM MULAI MENGEKLIK IKLAN. Karena jika tidak, maka anda tidak akan mendapat apa-apa. Setiap klik nilai yang diberikan berbeda-beda, misal di situs, per kliknya dihargai 1 sen / US$ 0.01.
4.Saya sarankan anda ikut beberapa program sekaligus sehingga nanti anda pada saat mencapai minimum payout, bisa diambil sekaligus dan jumlahnya lumayan besar.
5.Minimum payout adalah jumlah minimal yang anda harus kumpulkan untuk bisa mencairkan hasil anda. Besarannya pun macam-macam mulai dari $ 1 - $ 25.

Apa untungnya kalau saya ikut program ini ? Anda berpotensi menjadi kaya raya dengan jalan ini apabila anda benar-benar niat. Jadi di program ini, juga ada yang namanya referral (bisa dikatakan sebagai bawahan kita, yaitu orang yang kita ajak untuk gabung di situs PTC kita melalui URL yang kita berikan). Apa kegunaan referral itu ? Baik saya jelaskan, untuk setiap referral kita yang melakukan aktifitas klik iklan, otomatis kita sebagai atasan mereka juga mendapatkan bayaran seperti halnya kita mengeklik sendiri, padahal yang mengeklik adalah referral kita sehingga bisa dikatakan sebagai pasif income kita kan? Ok, bagaimana ilustrasinya saya kok bisa menjadi kaya?

Misal : Anda punya 20 referral yang anda ajak. Mereka melakukan aktifitas klik iklan rutin setiap hari layaknya anda. Setiap situs rata-rata setiap harinya ada paling tidak 10 iklan yang bisa diklik. Tapi itu bisa bertambah jika anda menjadi premium member(bisa diatas 20 iklan sehari). Nah hitungan kasarnya akan seperti ini.
Anda (standard member) 10 klik x $ 0.01 = $ 0.1
Referral Anda 20 org x 10 klik x $ 0.01 = $ 2,0
Penghasilan Anda Per Hari = $ 2.1
Penghasilan 1 minggu = $ 14.7
Penghasilan 1 bulan ( 30 hari ) = $63
Bagaimana, lumayan kan ? hanya dengan klik sana-sini bisa dapat segitu. Tapi ingat, itu hanya satu program saja! Bagaimana kalau anda mengikuti saran diatas untuk ikut beberapa program sekaligus? Misal anda ikut 5 program, maka pendapatan anda akan jadi begini : $ 63 x 5 = $315 per bulan. Wuih, hebat kan? Nah bagaimana kalau referral anda tidak 20 saja, tapi lebih banyak lagi? Kalau ada uang, anda bisa beli referral di situs-situs tersebut. Anda hitung sendiri dech keuntungan anda!!! He..he..he.. Capek ngitung teruss.

Eehhh, hampir kelupaan lagi! Saya belum menjelaskan bagaimana sistem kerjanya ya? Ok, pertama anda harus login dahulu ke situs PTC dimana anda mendaftar. Setelah itu, masuk ke Surf Ads / View Ads / Show Ads, dll tempat iklan yang bisa di-klik. Klik iklan tersebut satu-satu tapi ingat tidak bisa bersamaan lho ya? Harus satu-satu. Biasanya periode iklan itu berkisar 30 detik / iklan, kalau iklan itu sedah selesai maka akan muncul tanda khusus yaitu ada yang berbentuk centang, atau tulisan account credited, dsb. Setelah itu keluar, anda bisa melanjutkan membuka iklan yang lain. Ok,? Saya harap sudah jelas!

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Paid To Click (Part 1)

Ok, balik lagi ke...? pembahasan materi. He..he..he... Baik teman2 blogger semuanya, sekarang saya akan masuk ke pembahasan salah satu bisnis online yang mungkin cukup banyak dibicarakan orang tapi orang-orang tersebut tidak tahu caranya. Apakah anda pernah melihat penawaran di internet yang biasanya bahasanya seperti ini: “Cara mendapatkan uang dengan mengklik di situs orang”. Mungkin anda pernah membaca iklan yang demikian, nah disinilah akan saya bahas bagaimana sih caranya?. Ok program di internet yang seperti demikian dinamakan dengan PAID TO CLICK (PTC).

Paid To Click? Apa artinya?

Paid To Click? Apa artinya? Ok saya jelaskan! Di program paid to click ini, anda dibayar untuk mengeklik iklan-iklan sponsor yang ada di situs / website dimana anda nantinya akan mendaftar. Lho, kok bisa? Jawabannya bisa dong, kenapa nggak? Jadi logikanya begini, setiap sponsor yang memasang iklan di situs mereka (situs PTC) akan membayar situs tersebut untuk meletakkan iklan mereka untuk diklik? Nah disinilah situs tersebut mendapat penghasilan. Terus bagaimana mereka bisa membayar anda? Jadi setiap ada iklan yang diklik, maka sponsor akan membayar lebih besar daripada yang diberikan kepada anda. Ilustrasinya, misal sponsor membayar situs PTC seharga 5 sen per klik dan situs PTC tersebut hanya membayar anda 1 sen saja per klik, dengan begitu mereka akan untung dan hak anda tetap terbayarkan. Intinya anda dibayar untuk melihat iklan!!!

Ok, apakah anda tertarik? Kira-kira gimana caranya? Silakan Lihat di Paid To Click (part 2)ya n jangan lupa kasih komen.

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Why Businessmen Love Google Adwords ?

One of the key factors in business is marketing. Marketing is a way of making a product or service known by employing strategies which uses different media to achieve this goal. Marketing can be in the form of print, audio or visual media. However, the costs that are associated with marketing are to be taken seriously. High percentages of products’ prices are used to recover the costs that are associated with marketing these products.

With the advent of the Internet, marketing had made a shift towards the virtual world. The Internet has given marketers something to smile about because marketing through the Internet is cheaper than the usual marketing techniques but can very well deliver the same results.

Many businesses have discovered the wonderful system which was developed by Google to market products electronically. This is what we refer to as the Google Adwords. It is a system which is based on the bidding for key words by businesses. When someone searches for a certain thing on the Google search engine, a separate portion for the sponsored links is displayed at the right corner of the Internet browser. The website which have the highest bids will be displayed in the Adwords section. This technique is proven to be a cost effective way of marketing through the Internet.

So, what are the different features and advantages of Google Adwords which seem to attract more and more businesses into engaging into it? Here are some of them:

1) Traffic generation

Google is the major player when it comes to search engines. It has been proven by studies that Google generates 75% of the search traffic in the Internet. The word “googling” has also been put up by Webster Dictionary and is defined as searching through Google. These facts reflect the power of Google and this implies the effects of using Google Adwords to market one’s product or service.

2) Target Audience

By providing a separate section on the different sponsored links to a certain keyword search, Google Adwords makes connections between the buyer and the seller. This is what others would refer to as “laser targeted audience” connection. It clearly segments the market by analyzing the keywords which are inputted by the searcher and the keywords that the businesses bid on.

3) Control on Budget

This is one of the most beautiful features of the Google Adwords system. The system allows for a designation of a daily budget which the participants can change whenever they want to. Participants are charged by Google for the number of clicks that is generated by the Adword system. Google has no business with regards to whatever happens to the transactions after the “click” has been done. A business can actually set a budget so as to effectively analyze the strategies that it employs in the Adwords system. If the daily budget is already exhausted, the participant is taken out of the bidding for the day and this prevents loss of money through advertising.

4) Reports

The Google Adwords system is designed to be able to give the figures which can be used by businesses in assessing their progress in marketing their products through Adwords. Financial indicators such as return on investment and the price-per-click ratio of the advertisements can be computed from the system itself.

5) Strategy

Adwords give flexibility to the businesses in terms of utilizing the most effective way of getting their products advertised. They control their advertisements, its design and the combination of keywords that they would like to bid on. The Google Adwords advertisements are short and concise. They are composed of a title line and a short body which contains the marketing message. It is a very efficient format which can be developed easily and can be altered anytime by the businesses themselves.

There are other ways of marketing one’s products and services through the Internet and Google Adwords is just one of them. However, the Google Adwords system has advantages that are unique to it. The results from using Google Adwords will vary depending on the strategy that the businesses employ in advertising their products. Businesses are encouraged to join the Adwords bandwagon but they are advised to do so with cautiousness and careful planning.

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Website traffic boosters you need to know about

It is said that there are two factors that are proven to boost your Internet marketing by giving you as urge of website traffic. These three factors are content, targeted traffic and high conversion rate.

Creating quality content for websites can be quite simple. As long as you know the steps to use and how to link them to your site, then this will prove to be a difficult problem for you.

Getting targeted traffic requires a little word. But by using your contents, you will be able to do this easily.

Higher conversion rate will soon follow are you got both content and traffic to your site. Quality content can bring targeted website traffic. And with the targeted traffic comes the high conversion rate for you and your website.

Of all the three factors, you will notice that getting targeted traffic is the one not easily attained.

The bulk of you effort should be with getting pertinent inbound link and publishing your free articles on websites around the Internet.
The quantity of traffic driven by inbound link and article is less than that driven by search engine or directory. However, targeted traffic is easier to be converted. That is why it is better to put more time in getting inbound link and writing articles.

One of the more crucial component of online marketing is to understand your website traffic’s combination. It can tell you what your customers want, what they do at websites they visit and the actions they want done.

If you have a deeper understanding of what you are creating, you will be able to make some good tactical and advertising decisions. This is not only for your website for for your whole business as well.

Along with the three essential factors of website traffic marketing, there are other important factors you should consider.

The most and the least visited pages.

The different pages of websites are made for a reason. But then, you cannot expect them to work in the very same way. There will always be the more popular and the least favorite ones.

The popular ones should give you an idea what to offer more. While the least visited ones should be reviewed and given much emphasis. Figure out what that page is missing and what you can do to change it.


All hits should be recorded once a visitor comes into your site and clicks on an image or text. Using this, you can tell the time spent per visit and if your site have somehow hled their interest.

When you see that you are getting a lot of website traffic but the time spent on your site is not even more than a minute, this is something you should look over. There might be something wrong with your site.

Main entry and exit pages.

These are huge reminders that not all your visitors arrive through your home page, so you need absolute navigation on every entry point to your site.

If people are leaving from pages that you do not want them to, maybe you must have stronger calls to action in those areas.

URL referral.

This should tell you what search engines are giving you traffic. This will also tell which of your marketing and linking strategies are running.

You are also able to tell which sites have links to you that you do not know about. Overall, this is a great way for you to send out appreciation notes to them.

The search for keywords and phrases.

When your site is listed on the search engines, they will tell you what the hot searches are for your type of business. Pay close attention to this because some of what they have to say might surprise you. You already may be popular in the search engines but you do not have any idea that you are.

Knowing about these things will also be relevant for future references.

To be able to maintain the website traffic that you are getting, you have to also maintain the time and work needed on your part. Once you get in the flow of things, you will not find it difficult anymore. All you need is enough knowledge and patience.

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Making money out of nothing but affiliate marketing

When the affiliate marketing being offered to you seem to be too good to be true, it is probably is.
This is not anymore new. You probably have heard or read the same advice over and over again. The growing numbers of affiliate programs, online or offline are all claiming to be the best from all the rest.

Besides that, they will give you an initial impression that you do not have to do more than just place a banner or two to start earning more profits than you could ever imagine. This is not always the case. This may apply to some who have already built up a successful site and a name for themselves. But for most, affiliate marketing needs a little work and time.

Email can be an effective affiliate marketing instrument. If done correctly, that is.

Promotion by means of email is very rampant. But with it comes spam. If you want to use email for your affiliate marketing, you have to be sure that you stand by what you are offering and that you make yourself available anytime for any questions or queries.

It is said that adding adarticle to you r email advertising works really well. Putting up a summary about your product or service that can instantly pique up the attention of your readers works all the time.
This summary should contain a link to an adarticle located on your site. By this, you get to promote your business. You also give your visitors a chance to check out other parts of your site.

The advantage to the advertiser is that they get highly targeted clients to visit their site. These people may even become future customers if ever they find the offers interesting and helpful.

Try to differ from the usual. Be unique.

The many existing affiliate marketing made people already blind to the sales and marketing pitch being presented. You cannot blame them. Imagine yourself being bombarded by these things everyday and you will feel the same.

Squeeze out your creative juices and give them something original enough to stop them from leaving and make them stay to read on. You can try and find a hosting company that can do the job well. Having a great one will make you more than comfortable to offer anything from small to big time deals.
Patience is a virtue in affiliate marketing.

Contact a certain company to negotiate an arrangement if you feel that you are confident enough to generate an amazing number of sales for them. If they seem not interested in what you are offering, do not give up yet. Be patient.

Take into account that these companies are bring approached everyday by affiliates only gives out promises. Most of them cannot deliver what they are saying; thus making company owners wary of which ones to choose.

You can always go the extra mile and implement other techniques in order to get more sales. Once you have done this, approach them again for your services. Chances are, they will be more than willing to get into your affiliate program this time around.

Keep in mind that most types of advertising do not give out results instantly. Putting up a banner for your affiliate marketing campaign and getting it off after a few days should not be done. You may think that they are not being effective or that they are not working. It takes time.

Some of the affiliate marketing strategies that have worked successfully for you may not work the same way on other campaigns. It is worth the try but do not expect for things to turn out exactly.

If you are having continuous problems with your affiliate program, get in touch with the company. If they are committed to their business, they will help you in every way possible on which ones work best. They probably have thousands of affiliates willing to teach you what works best.

Affiliate marketing can be exciting and depressing at the same time. The ups and downs you will encounter is never boring; it will always be a challenge

It all boils down to affiliate marketing being the survival of the best of the best, the smartest and the most patient.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

asy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing Business

PPC is one of the four basic types of Search Engines. PPC is also one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine, PPC or Pay Per Click, accounts to 2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2008.

Let us take a quick look at how PPC Search Engines work.

These engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the website owner is willing to pay for each click from that search engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.

The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the PPC Search Engines followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to the last number that have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase. Your ads then will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay per click.

How do you make money by using PPC into your affiliate marketing business?

Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after a visitor has clickthrough your site. Your earnings will not always be the same as they will be dependent on the web site content and the traffic market.

The reason why you should incorporate PPC into your affiliate marketing program is that earnings are easier to make than in any other kind of affiliate program not using PPC. This way, you will be making profit based from the clickthroughs that your visitor will make on the advertiser’s site. Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale or action.

PPC can be very resourceful of your website. With PPC Search Engines incorporated into your affiliate program, you will be able to profit from the visitor’s who are not interested in your products or services. The same ones who leave your site and never comes back.

You will not only get commissions not only from those who are just searching the web and finding the products and services that they wanted but you will be able to build your site’s recognition as a valuable resource. The visitors who have found what they needed from you site are likely to come back and review what you are offering more closely. Then they will eventually come back to search the web for other products.

This kind of affiliate program is also an easy way for you to generate some more additional revenues. For example, when a visitor on your site does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listings, the advertisers’ account will then be deducted because of that click. With this, you will be compensated 30% to 80% of the advertisers’ bid amount.

PPC is not only a source of generating easy profits; it can also help you promote your own site. Most of the programs allow the commissions received to be spent for advertising with them instantly and with no minimum earning requirement. This is one of the more effective ways to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who has more tendencies to purchase your products and services.

What will happen if you when you integrate PPC into your affiliate program?

PPC usually have ready-to-use affiliate tools that can be easily integrated into your website. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and some 404-error pages. Most search engines utilize custom solutions and can provide you with a white-label affiliate program. This enables you, using only a few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted co-branded search engine into your website.

The key benefits? Not only more money generated but also some extra money on the side. Plus a lifetime commissions once you have referred some webmaster friends to the engine.

Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits while already generating some income for your site? Knowing some of the more useful tools you can use for your affiliate program is not a waste of time. They are rather a means of earning within an earning.

Best know more about how you can use PPC search engines into your affiliate program than miss out on a great opportunity to earn more profits.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Typing Jobs

Balik lagi ke ?? Ngeblog... hahaha sekarang saya mau membahas apa sih itu Typing Jobs ? Buat pemula pastinya belum ngerti dech? eh tapi nggak juga sih.... Kira-kira apa artinya ya??? n apa kita akan mendapat uang dari sana ???

Jawabannya ya iyalah, masa ya iya dong ??? he..he..he.. Rekan-rekan semua yang sangat saya hormati, sayangi, cintai dan entah apalah itu beneran mau tahu apa itu typing jobs dan gimana kita bisa dapat duit dari situ? Silakan terus membaca ??!!..

Ketika beberapa waktu lalu saya bersurfing di dunia online, saya menemukan tawaran kerja di dunia online sebagai penulis artikel. Maksudnya? Jika saya lihat sih, disini anda yang tertarik dengan dunia tulis-menulis bisa menyalurkan bakat dan hobi anda untuk menuliskan suatu artikel yang diminta oleh penyedia layanan ini kemudian anda akan dibayar atas hasil kerja anda. Ya, menurut saya lagi nih memang mirip-mirip sama program Pay Per Review untuk jenis tugas yang diberikan. Namun tetap saja berbeda antara kedua program ini. Jika PPR, maka anda diminta mereview suatu website / blog sementara Typing Jobs ini bisa bermacam-macam. Misal IndonesiaTypist, meminta anda untuk membuat / menuliskan iklan.

Kemarin waktu saya lihat ternyata bayarannya lumayan gede loh? padahal itu hanya untuk 1 tugas saja. Sementara untuk program typing job dari Indonesia, ada Disini anda diminta untuk membuat iklan yang berupa kata-kata promosi bagi mitra dari indonesiatypist tersebut. Untuk besaran penghasilan, saya cek mulai dari Rp20.000 – Rp55.000 untuk setiap iklannya dengan batasan job perbulan sebanyak kurang lebih 10 kali saja. Lumayan kan? Sayangnya untuk awalnya, anda akan dikenakan biaya pendaftaran yang besarannya tergantung posisi apa anda ingin dapatkan. Semakin tinggi posisi yang anda inginkan maka semakin mahal. Untuk anggota biasa, kalau tidak berubah, biaya yang harus anda keluarkan sebesar Rp.200.000. Tapi saya rasa masih wajar kan?

Menurut saya, tawaran pekerjaan seperti ini memang lebih mirip dengan pekerjaan nyata di dunia kerja tapi tetep aja kan kerjanya dari internet? Makanya saya masukkan ke dalam ebook luar biasa berharga ini. Selain itu, anda yang bergabung di bisnis ini juga tidak terikat aturan seperti halnya jika anda kerja kantoran. Iya kan? Tertarik? Anda bisa lihat info lebih lengkap di IndonesiaTypist. Selamat mencoba dan dapatkan bayaran anda!

Jangan lupa kalau ada rejeki dibagi ama yang punya blog ini ya???(hi..hi..hi..) sampai jumpa di posting berikutnya . Powered By: Dapur Bisnis
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Upload & Get Money

Rekan-rekan semua sekalian, apa kabarnya hari ini? semoga tetap sehat dan bersemangat ya??? Sekarang saya mau membahas sedikit tentang program Upload and Get Money....boleh ya? mungkin buat kalian semua yang udah tahu masalah bisnis online pasti juga tahu apa sih itu, iya nggak? Tapi postingan ini memang untuk pemula bro...

Buat pemula nich, ayo coba tebak apa artinya judul saya diatas??? kalau diartikan biasa sich upload terus terima duit, iya nggak? Itu bener lho...mau tahu caranya?

Halo saudara-saudara semua? Bagaimana, semakin bersemangat untuk mengumpulkan pundi-pundi dollar anda dari internet? Baik sekarang saya akan membahas program yang benar-benar bisa menjadi mesin uang anda di masa-masa yang akan datang. Pernah tidak anda berpikir bahwa mengupload file apapun ke internet ternyata bisa menghasilkan uang ? Jika belum pernah, mari saya tunjukkan!. Ketika anda mendownload sesuatu dari internet, pasti anda pernah ketemu dengan yang namanya ziddu. Ya, ziddu ini merupakan tempat file hosting gratis yang ada di internet.

Tahukah anda kenapa banyak sekali situs internet yang memakai jasa ziddu untuk produk mereka yang bisa di-download? Ya, benar sekali. Dengan bergabung bersama ziddu, kita bisa mengupload file-file kita sesuka kita. Selain itu, sudah diberi tempat gratis untuk upload file kita, kita juga akan dibayar setiap ada download terhadap file yang kita upload.
Berdasarkan apa yang saya ketahui, setiap download terhadap file yang kita upload dihargai $0.001 . Jadi dengan kata lain, setelah 1000 download oleh siapapun, kita akan mendapatkan 1 US$. Lumayan kan? Kita diam aja di rumah, tidak melakukan apa-apa, tapi file-file kita yang bekerja secara otomatis. Passive income murni untuk anda. Tertarik? Silakan mendaftar di . Mulailah mengupload file-file anda. Dapatkan pembayaran tanpa anda kerja sedikitpun di masa yang akan datang. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.

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